Race in Mormon History

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 MHA Mormon History Association

Farina King

Northeastern State University

Farina King, a citizen of the Navajo Nation, is Assistant Professor of History and affiliated faculty of Cherokee and Indigenous Studies at Northeastern State University, Tahlequah, Oklahoma. She is also the director and founder of the NSU Center for Indigenous Community Engagement. She received her Ph.D. at Arizona State University in U.S. History. King specializes in twentieth-century Native American Studies. She is the author of The Earth Memory Compass: Diné Landscapes and Education in the Twentieth Century.

 MHA Mormon History Association

W. Paul Reeve

University of Utah

W. Paul Reeve is Simmons Professor of Mormon Studies at the University of Utah and past president of the Mormon History Association. His book, Religion of a Different Color: Race and the Mormon Struggle for Whiteness (Oxford, 2015) won MHA’s best book award.

 MHA Mormon History Association

Melodie Jackson

University of Maryland