Archival Collecting: COVID-19 and other Collections

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 MHA Mormon History Association

Christine Blythe

L. Tom Perry Special Collections, BYU

Christine Blythe is the Folklore Curator of the William A. Wilson Folklore Archives in Special Collections at Brigham Young University. She is also the co-President of the Folklore Society of Utah and the Editor of the Intermountain West Journal of Religious Studies at Utah State University.

 MHA Mormon History Association

Matthew Heiss

Church History Department

Matthew K. Heiss is the Europe/Africa/Middle East Areas manager in the Church History Department. He has worked for the department for 33 years.

 MHA Mormon History Association

Melanie Nef

Church History Department

Melanie Nef is the digital archivist at the Church History Library. She works with the archiving and cataloging of digital content, including overseeing the web harvesting program. She currently chairs the worldwide collecting project, whose goal is to capture the history of a pre-identified topic as it is occurring.

 MHA Mormon History Association

Justin Bray

Church History Department

Justin Bray is a historian for the Church History Department.