6C: Conversations Across Cultural Borderlands

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Brittany Romanello Chair and Comment

Arizona State University

Catherine S. Freeman

Wallingford, CT

"Drum Rhythms and Golden Scriptures: Reasons for Mormon Conversion within Haiti's Culture of Vodou"

Barbara Morgan Gardner

Brigham Young University

"Deaconesses, Teachers, and Priestesses: Empowering Restorationist Women Through Cross-Cultural Conversations"

Calvin J. Burke

Brigham Young University

"After God’s Own Heart: Vaughn Featherstone and the Tests of Discipleship Among LGBTQ+ Latter-day Saints"

Adille Rigoni Massimini and Daniel Zacariotti

São Paulo, Brazil

"It is Not Secret, It is Sacred: Tyler Glenn and the Audiovisibilities of Queer Dissensus in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints"